Thursday, January 19, 2012

Over half way done!!

Day 18 at Ability camp and we have now finally passed the half way point! I have been hesitant in writing a post because I am beyond homesick and I don't want to come across that we aren't grateful for this experience. Ryder is making good progress and I know this is worth every second. The days are hard and I am the only one here who doesn't get to have their husband here with them at some point. I am finding myself getting really mad at the whole situation and what we have lost then at other times I look around and am just so thankful for what we have. A lot of emotions, a lot of energy and for Ryder a LOT of hard work!!  We'll be fine and we will both come out of this stronger for sure but I will be very happy to finally go home.

Ryder has been having some really hard days in class during the beginning of the week but it seems to get better towards the end. I am finding his muscles in his legs and especially his arms are extremely tight right now. I am pretty sure we are having a growth spurt working against us. It's tough and he screams through all of his stretches and anytime he has to have his arms straight (which is a lot). It breaks my heart to hear him scream out in pain and I wish he could understand that I am only trying to help. After class however Ryder has a blast with all the other kids. I know he is going to miss this place when were home. He has a friend every where he looks :)

Oh and I must share the great news! Ryder has peed on the potty TWICE!! :) haha

I have been really bad for taking pictures but this is what we are working on right now...
Standing with Quad Canes!!! He can do this for about twenty seconds or so and he's getting better everyday and I am so proud of him!!

And because I know my mother will not be satisfied with a single shot of his backside... Here's a cheesy smile :)


1 comment:

  1. I love the smile, but "Cheesies?" You are beyond wonderful and again, I am so proud of you xoxoxo
