Friday, November 4, 2011

He's a climbing boy!

We have been so close, for so long but today he did it! After almost a full year of training, Ryder climbed the stairs all by himself!! He didn't just climb one or two, he went for it and did the whole flight! I AM SO PROUD!!!
 Look at him go!!

Right now Ryder and I are in BC visiting all my family & friends back home. We arrived Tuesday after a full day of travel. On our first plane ride we sat next to a mom and her 11 week old baby girl. Every time the baby would start to cry Ryder's little lip would pucker and he would cry too. Other than the last bit of screaming x2 it was a good flight and he slept the whole time. He did pretty good on the long flight too. He didn't sleep at all but he watched 6 hours of straight Thomas the train. You would think he would be sick of it after that but as always he's still asking for more. I now have a new appreciation and love for that "Cheeky little engine!" lol

Ryder has adjusted very well to the four hour time difference. He's sleeping in his own big boy bed, (aka mattress on the floor) and seems to be sleeping way better then he does in his crib at home. I end up in bed with him every night but mainly because I fall asleep cuddling him and am too lazy to go back to my own bed. He's also been using a pillow and I don't know why but I think it's the cutest thing ever!! haha!

This trip out, Ryder loves my parents dogs. He calls them Abba and Dog (Abbie and Ben) and chases them around the house. Iv never heard him belly laugh as much as he did the first night playing with them. We have only been here for three days but it already feels like it's going by way too fast. Lots of visiting and special people to see. We leave on the 19th to fly to Alberta to visit my brother, sister-in law, nephews and meet the newest addition to be! Can't wait!! So good to be home :)

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