Tyler and I have been back and forth with each other trying to decide if Ryder should get Hyperbaric Oxygen Theyapy (HBOT) while at Ability camp. My argument is I want and NEED to try anything and everything out there that could possible help Ryder. In Tyler's argument it is a LOT of money (that was generously donated) and there's no real proof or studies that have been done to say "yes this will help our child". It is so hard to make these decisions!! We have asked for advice from Ryder's specialists but with no proof on seeing any results they advised us against it. I just don't get why all these doctors are so negative when it comes to alternate therapy. It really makes me wonder what they would be doing if it were their child. I'm pretty sure they would do EVERYTHING they could to try and help. I have gone to forums and searched online for people who have done this for their children and have found that almost everyone says that YES they saw improvements. Actually I have not come across anyone who said they didn't see any difference. The more I read the more I want to do it. Of course I am not expecting it to "heal" Ryder and all of a sudden he'll be running across the room but I want to know in my heart that we have done everything in our power to help him.
As I just read this to Tyler we are STILL arguing about it!! I understand that it is a lot of money but I really feel like this is the right thing to do. Any advise or opinions on HBOT would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! xo
Okay this video has absolutely nothing to do with HBOT but I just wanted to put it here for my little nephew Branden!! He loves watching Ryder's movies! :) hehe!!
It does however show how stable he is getting on his knee's though! There is no way he could have done this without falling a month ago!! :)
His laugh is soo adorable! About HBOT... here are my thoughts. Is there an advantage to having it done earlier as opposed to later? Maybe you and your husband can talk about it a little longer til you both come to a decision you're comfortable with. Also... laser surgery to some is also considered a bit experimental and not a definite cure... as we know :) But how did we all react to that? Sooo... if there are no side effects that would hurt him.... I don't see why you shouldn't give it a try. If anything it will give you peace of mind for trying. not to mention checking that option off the list and seeking what could be your next step/option. Good luck on making your decision!
ReplyDeleteAnd Douglas loves his videos too! Too bad he just went to bed he would love this one. It is so incredible to see Ryder not only on his knees but able to recover himself when he looses his balance! What core strength that takes! As to HBOT, are the people who you are speaking with about is doing the Hbot combined with the therapy camp or have you found people who have used it on it's own? Every single treatment comes with risks and benefits, be it "alternative" or "accepted by the medical field" it is our resposibility as parents to look at both and weigh both ends for each treatment. Society tends to blidly accept treatments offered by western medical professionals, with full disclosure of the risks and benefits. All standard medical treatments were at one time "alternative" it is yours and Tylers job to decide if you want to purse them now or wait for them to be accepted by mainstream practitioners. You both need to look at both sides, and each others opions, with an open mind. Just know that whatever the two of you decide we will be behind you 100%.
ReplyDeleteWOW, he looks so stable bouncing up and down! Holy smokes!
ReplyDeleteIn my experience, pediatricians and medical specialists generally look down upon alternative therapies as snake oil. In my experience, they are usually, almost always... wrong. Just sayin'.
The money that has been donated to Ryder and your family has been done so out of love and without strings attached as to what methods and therapies you choose to pursue in your quest to provide him with every opportunity for advancement. Personally, I like to keep my feet firmly planted between western and alternative medicine. I keep my essential oils and hokey energy healing books right next to my ibuprofen and Benedryl. :) They all have value and they have all worked for us.
Every time I watch this, and I find myself watching this one over and over, I cannot believe how far Ryder has come in such a short time. I am also so very proud of you. You have brought him to this point. You have made simple play time into fabulous therapy. Just watching the control he has gained in 4 months astounds me. What ever you and Tyler decide on about HBOT will be the right decision, and just as Karla says, we'll be right behind you. Love you, Mom xoxox